Monday, October 11, 2010

My help comes from the Lord

"I look up to the mountains-does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who makes heaven and earth!" Psalm 121:1-2

I absolutely love sitting on my couch in the morning watching the sunrise hit the mountains. I especially love when I get to sit there reading scripture that talks about mountains. I've lived in Mexico for a week now, and I am learning so much about my help coming from the Lord. I'm in a foreign country without mastery of the language, a car, a cell phone, my church, and many of the other things that I turn to when I need help. I'm completely dependent upon the Lord and how he provides for me through others. A little example for you. I have next to no groceries right now, it's basically cereal, fruits and veggies, and sandwiches, which is sufficient but not fun. Yesterday a group left leaving behind some treasures that were passed down to me! I got a few cans of coca light, pringles, oreos, more cereal, cashews, granola bars, pears, and chocolate. I was so happy and so grateful, and again so glad that the Lord cares about us so much that he provides these little things for us.

1 comment:

  1. I love this part of your post.....I was so glad that the Lord cares about us so much and that he provides...for us.
