Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Del Norte Musical

This is a month late, but it's about a night that completely rocked my world and changed my preconceived ideas about my babies at Del Norte.  It's corny to blame the lateness on bad internet connections, but that's the honest truth.  Anyways, there's a local church who comes to do music classes for the kids at Del Norte, and at the end of the year they do a big "musical".  Any parent with elementary school aged kids knows that the word musical is a loose translation of what really happens.  This musical was especially for any family members that the children had.  I was pumped up to go to see my kids perform, and to meet their family members who've left them in a children's home.  To say that I was angry with some of those parents is a major understatement.  Alexis's mom has 6 other kids also living at Del Norte, angry does not begin to describe what I was feeling towards her.  Angel's mom doesn't visit him but does visit his 4 year old brother, Ramiro.  Edgar's mom hasn't been to visit him or his 2 brothers in a really long time.  Talk about frustration.  

Well, Alexis's mom was up there in the front row taking pictures and making a big deal out of all her kids.  After the show she hugged and kissed each of her 7 kids, took pictures with them, got them dinner, and was an all-around great mom that night.  Her kids were thrilled, and I learned that she's lived a super hard life and putting her kids in Del Norte was the best decision she could make.  I've since seen her again when she brought her kids to the Back2Back property for a big party.  She wanted to spend time with her kids but didn't want them to miss a party, so she just came along.  It was fun to shower her with a little extra attention and talk about how sweet her kids are.  All that anger has been replaced with some deep compassion for what this 27 year old mom has experienced in her life.

Angel's mom was there too, sitting next to Alexis's mom.  She talked a little with Ramiro and held Angel, but didn't really acknowledge him.  Watching the two of them, they seemed so disinterested in each other.  No words, no smiles, no nothing.  She's probably 20 years old and looked so sad and so lost.  Even just simple introductions were hard.  I've also seen her again when she came to visit Ramiro at the children's home, but never came inside to see Angel or even ask about him.  It broke my heart, and that day I broke a children's home rule and held Angel while he slept.  We sat there, sweaty and snuggled up together in the office, and while he slept I cried and prayed for that sweet little boy.  At one point Mama Martha came in and rubbed my back for a minute, and then left.  She understood and let me break the rules about holding the babies while they sleep. 

Edgar's parents didn't come to the musical.  After the show the kids were supposed to go find their parents and then get dinner that was being served.  Edgar, and his older brothers David and Elvis, were sitting by themselves in the corner.  I sat with them and Elvis explained that their family doesn't come to visit.  Edgar, who is the smallest 2 year old I've ever met, was shoveling so much food into his mouth that I thought he'd get sick.  He just kept eating and eating and eating.  Huge handfuls of chips, hamburger, and watermelon.  I couldn't help but wonder if that was how his little 2 year old brain was coping with no one coming to see him.  

For a post about a kids musical, that felt pretty intense.  So here's a few pictures of their show.  Sorry about the poor quality, the auditorium was dusty and we were a few rows back.  And you can read Kelly's blog about that night, it made a major impact on us both.  
Mama Martha introducing the program
All the preschool kids
Sarahi and Juanita got to play the tambourine
The older kids played recorders.  Really just one note at varying rhythms, but still cute

1 comment:

  1. Mindy-babe, it broke my heart to picture you sitting with Angel, crying for him...and to have Mama Marta come in and rub your back. Think of all the things that went unsaid in that situation, and all the love that was exchanged. Thank you for giving away that piece of your heart, and for sharing it with us.
