Sunday, November 14, 2010

JJ Heller - What Love Really Means (Official Music Video)

This is one of my new favorite songs right now. One of the things that God has really been changing in me through our staff women Bible study and just living and working with orphans is the concept of loving people for who they are right now and not expecting anything from them in return. It's something that I always knew I should do, but never really had to practice. My job as a social worker in the states required me to keep a certain emotional distance from the kids, and so while I loved most of them deeply I had to expect certain things from them in return or I'd be out of a job and they'd be out of a home. So I'm trying to figure out what it means to love these kids, the caregivers in the casa hogars, and their biological parents for just who they are and not expecting them to reciprocate that love or to change something about themselves. Maybe they, and me in the process, can start to understand God's love for us.

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